Affinity Technology Partners

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Q&A with Sean Wright Featured in Nashville Post

On Monday, the Nashville Post featured a Q&A interview with Sean Wright, Affinity's Founder & President. Sean discussed wide ranging topics, including Affinity's rebrand, Nashville's booming tech scene, and advice for business leaders on how to defend against breaches and cyberattacks. Here's a snippet:

"Before we come on board with a new client, we typically find basic precautions like firewalls and encryption haven't been installed — making them vulnerable to hackers or malware. The best advice we can give to organizations, then, is to take cybersecurity seriously. This means creating a culture of awareness starting from the C-suite and spreading to every team member. Employees need to be trained on how to spot and avoid fraudulent emails that often carry malware. And executives need to invest in strategies, systems and processes that keep data secure." 

Want more? Check out the full interview, and share it with your friends!